FULL for <br>students

FULL for

We help students develop their full potential

FULL courses help students develop in the following ways:

(a) Integrate effectively and apply in appropriate ways, previous learning and knowledge to make and justify decisions in a real-world context of work.

(b) Demonstrate workplace competencies; professionalism, leadership, initiative, confidentiality, communication, responsibility for decision-making, and organisational, cultural & social awareness.

(c) Demonstrate transversal competencies: Critical thinking, futures thinking, systemic thinking, collaboration and communication, problem-solving, creativity and innovation, values, empathy and decisiveness for action.

(d) Reflect upon decisions, personal choices and actions in the workplace and critically appraise their appropriateness.

(e) Enhance disciplinary and develop multidisciplinary knowledge of a wide range of perspectives, within a combination of subject areas.

(f) Integrate within their professional decisions and behaviour, principles and actions that promote the achievement of the SDGs.