MSc in Health Management / Магистр Здравоохранения

Course Details

Course Information Package

Course Unit CodeMHM512
Course Unit Details
Number of ECTS credits allocated4
Learning Outcomes of the course unitBy the end of the course, the students should be able to:
  1. Understand the achievements are the so-called revolution in Biological Sciences
  2. Know the regulatory framework of conducting clinical studies, with emphasis on bioethical issues
  3. Become familiar with basic research methods in social Science
  4. Intensify their knowledge on particular issues of bioethics related to the beginning of human life, both before and during birth
  5. Understand the legal procedures for units health
  6. Adequately understand the legal obligations of health professionals and contexts of communication with the public
  7. Know the rights of health workers in the performance of their duties
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-face
Recommended optional program componentsNONE
Course Contents

The course is divided into two parts:

Part A:

Theoretical foundations. The first part revolves around the question of relations between law, morality and politics. Starting with current concepts intuitively follows a non-specialist, analyses the main features of law and morality, and contradicted the legal positivism, which teaches the lack of necessary relations between the two.

Highlights the importance of moral evaluations and the work of the legislator and judge and analyse the major ethical and political aspects of the law, such as autonomy, democracy, fundamental rights and justice.

Public and Private Sector Health, Constitutional obligations of the State Central Administration of Health, Regional Health Administration, Legal Administration hospital orderly administration of the regional units of hospitals, Central Board of Health Collective bodies of units providing health and legal operation. Official state of health officials. Rules of procedure and related health facilities headquarters.

Committees of healthcare associated infections and lawful operation.

Code of administrative procedure in the public and broader public sector.

Analysis of the above legislation bioethics.

Analyse legislation Cyprus, Constitution, Criminal provisions, Cy. General H.S.

Clerical Code


Part B:

The second part revolves around the question of legitimate legislative intervention in bioethical issues. Starting from the position that in this case we can expand our knowledge but to solve practical dilemmas, primarily sought to expose a rational and reasonable way of formulating the relevant issues in order to express them and to determine the process of resolving them.

Bio-Medical Ethics / Bioethics:

Introductory knowledge, definitions, historical background. Rough overview of bioethical issues, cultural differences and historical evolution, current concepts. Introduction to individual bioethical issues: Issues of the principle of life (assisted reproduction, sterilization, fetal rights, abortion, prenatal diagnosis, genetic interventions, eugenics, cloning). Issues the end of life (euthanasia and assisted suicide, transplantation). Issues of clinical relevance (information, permission/ denial of the patient, communication difficulties, privacy movement of clinical information, vulnerable groups of patients). Issues of bio-medical research (limits and abuses). Issues of distribution of health goods (equality, priority, individual responsibility). Vows, contracts, codes, committees. Critique of Bioethics.

Recommended and/or required reading:
  • «Βιοηθική» Ronald Dworkin, Life’s Dominion: An Argument about Abortion, Euthanasia, and Individual Freedom (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993).
  • Κωνσταντίνος Κρεμαλής «Δίκαιο της Υγείας» Τόμοι δύο, Εκδόσεις Νομική Βιβλιοθήκη(2004).
  • Allen Buchanan, Dan W. Brock, Norman Daniels and Daniel Wikler, From Chance to Choice: Genetics & Justice (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000).
Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The taught part of course is delivered to the students by means of lectures, conducted with the help of computer presentations. Lecture notes and presentations are available through the web for students to use in combination with the textbooks.

Also analyzed case studies and exercises conducted with the participation of students.

Assessment methods and criteria
Final Exam60%
Language of instructionGreek
Work placement(s)NO

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