Program Profile

Qualification Awarded

MA in Social Work and Social Administration

Level Of Qualification

Master of Arts (2nd Cycle Degree)

Offered by

School of Humanities and Social Sciences 

Mode of Study

Full Time or Part Time 

The MA in Social Work aims at promoting the social work profession by providing specialized and quality social work education to students from a social work or other relevant academic background. By doing so, it prepares them to become ethical, skilled and competent professionals and leaders in direct and administrative and community practice. Respect to diversity and the promotion of social justice permeate the philosophy of the program.

The language of instruction is Greek.

Key Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply appropriate knowledge, skills and values in the areas of (a) clinical practice or (b) community development and social administration.
  2. Evaluate and select the appropriate among a variety of clinical intervention methods that pertains to a specific problem faced by families, children and adolescents.
  3. Engage in research for practice and program evaluation and use relevant computing technologies and other tools for the management and analysis of research data.
  4. Identify and analyze existing as well as emerging social problems.
  5. Formulate social policies and critically analyze and evaluate the impact of existing social policies.
  6. Use consultation and supervision appropriate to social work practice.
  7. Develop interdisciplinary knowledge and the skills necessary to successfully work in interdisciplinary teams.

Occupational Profiles of the Graduates

The graduates of the Program have the knowledge and skills required for clinical practice with families, children and adolescents as well as the leadership skills required for the management and administration of social welfare agencies. Graduates can be employed in state and local authority social services departments, hospitals, clinics and voluntary organisations in a variety of social work settings.
