BA in Social Work / Бакалавр в Області Соціальної Роботи

Course Details

Course Information Package

Course Unit CodeASPE106
Course Unit Details
Number of ECTS credits allocated5
Learning Outcomes of the course unitBy the end of the course, the students should be able to:
  1. Understand describe with basic terms and concerns of an economic nature.
  2. Recognise of the domain of political economic as a distinct domain in the social sciences and understand the various factors composing the concept of political economy.
  3. Outline the development of economic systems until today, with special emphasis on the emergence of the industrial, capitalist system.
  4. Explain, evaluate and compare the basic schools of thought in political economy within the political and economic context in which they developed (classical, neoclassical, Keynesianism, Marxism).
  5. Analyze special topics in political economy that are grounded on topical socio-economic phenomena (e.g. models of capitalis, welfare states, neoliberalism).
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-face
Recommended optional program componentsNONE
Course Contents•Economic laws and the differences between economic laws and natural laws.
•What is Political Economy? The various factors comprising the concept of Political Economy.
• Work and its meaning for individuals and society.
•The mechanisms of production, the socio-economic systems. The mechanisms of production in modern economies. 
•The basic schools of thought and theories in Political Economy within the political and economic context in which they have developed (classical, neoclassical, Keynesianism, Marxism).
•Analysis of the basic indicators, phenomena and institutions in modern economies (Gross Domestic Product, Banks, National Debt, unemployment, etc).
Recommended and/or required reading:
  • Γεωργακοπούλου,Θ. και Λιανού, Θ. (1995). Εισαγωγή στην Πολιτική Οικονομία. Αθήνα : Εκδόσεις: Ε. Μπένου.
  • Γιώργος, Σ. (1997). Εισαγωγή στην Πολιτική Οικονομία. Αθήνα: Ελληνικά Γράμματα.
  • Λαπαβίτσας, Κ. και Μπάσκοζος, Ι. Ν .(2004). Η Πολιτική Οικονομία της Παγκοσμιοποίησης. Αθήνα: Παπαζήση.
  • Kώττης, Γ. (1996). Οικονομικά για όλους. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις «Το Οικονομικό».
  • R. Heilbroner. (2000). Οι φιλόσοφοι του οικονομικού κόσμου – η ζωή και οι ιδέες τους. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Κριτική.
Planned learning activities and teaching methodsLectures, analysis of newspaper articles, statistics and video clips. Class discussion
Assessment methods and criteria
Midterm exam40%
Final Exam50%
Language of instructionGreek
Work placement(s)NO

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