Highlights of our latest sustainability achievements
We are proud to be recognised for our approach to sustainability and the impact of our work. The recognition we receive encourages us to strive for continued progress toward environmental, social and economic sustainability.
#1 in Cyprus in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2024
Our University is the only University in Cyprus to be ranked among the top 201-300 Universities in the world in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, being recognised for its impact on the world through research, teaching, outreach and stewardship.
With a total of 2,152 institutions from all over the world participating in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2024, Frederick University has been placed among the top 201-300 universities for the second consecutive year. It is the only university in Cyprus to achieve this rank. Among a total of 21 institutions from Cyprus and Greece that participated in these rankings, Frederick University and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens achieved the highest rankings.
The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings is the only global performance system that assess Universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are a call to action to end poverty and inequality, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy health, justice and prosperity, thus recognizing the Universities’ impact on society and the world at large. The rankings use indicators providing comparisons across four broad areas:
Further, Frederick University ranked among the top 101-200 universities in the world in:
• SDG 4: Quality Education
• SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
• SDG 10: Reducing Inequalities
• SDG 17: Partnership for the goals
In the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023, Frederick University was placed among the top 201-300 Universities, the only University in Cyprus and Greece to achieve this, for its commitment and progress on delivering the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It has scored highly for its positive impact and meaningful work on specific SDGs, having ranked 44th globally for Quality Education and 100th for Affordable and Clean Energy.
In 2022, Frederick University ranked among the top 101-200 Universities in the world in all four categories that were considered for its overall score, making it one of only two Universities in Cyprus which overall ranked in the top 301-400 Universities worldwide.
Frederick University ranked among the top 101-200 universities in the world in:
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 10: Reducing Inequalities
SDG 17: Partnership for the goals
Frederick University ranked first among all participating Universities in Cyprus in SDG17. This achievement reflects the University’s efforts to educate the young generation to adopt sustainability, by offering relevant programs of study and integrating relevant subjects in all its curricula. We are delighted that, in September of 2021, we were amongst the very few Universities in the world - with our RefTeCp Project - which were included in SDSN’s new guide “Accelerating Education for the SDGs in Universities”. The guide - through innovative, inspiring and diverse case studies - is showcasing how higher education institutions around the world are implementing and mainstreaming education for the SDGs in order to help universities, colleges, and tertiary and higher education institutions implement and mainstream “Education for the SDGs” within their institutions.
Member of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network
We are proud to be a member of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). The Network promotes practical solutions to modern challenges through the achievement of. As a member of the Network, we contribute to finding solutions to global challenges, by connecting with other sustainable development experts and collaborating with them on research, Solutions Initiatives, and policy work. As a member of SDSN, Frederick University strives to contribute to finding solutions to global challenges, by connecting with other sustainable development experts and collaborating with them on research, solutions initiatives, and policy work. In addition, Frederick University is one of the founding members of the Cyprus branch of the Sustainable Solutions Network, which aims to work closely with all sectors of society and assist Cyprus in creating the necessary roadmaps, strategies, and policies to achieve the SDGs. In addition, we are one of the founding members of the newly established Cyprus branch of the Sustainable Solutions Network, which aims to work closely with all sectors of society improving Cyprus' performance in the implementation of the Goals.

Golden Protector of the Environment 2023
Frederick University has been honored with the Golden Protector of the Environment Award for the year 2023, granted by the Environmental Research and Education Centre and the Environment Commissioner. The award is annually presented to an organization that incorporates the environmental dimension as an integral part of its policy framework, implementing practices that protect the environment and promote sustainable development.
Frederick University stands out for its dedication to respect and preserve the environment, integrating the environmental dimension in the entire range of its activities. Further, the University implements campaigns to raise environmental awareness among its faculty, students, partners and the society at large, demonstrating a profound commitment to environmental responsibility.
LIFE-Kedros awarded at the annual LIFE Awards
LIFE-Kedros, a LIFE project implemented by the Department of Forests, Cyprus Forest Association and Frederick University’s Nature Conservation Unit, won the LIFE Award for Nature of the 2022 LIFE Awards at a ceremony held during EU Green Week - Europe’s key environmental event. LIFE-KEDROS improved the conservation status and resilience of cedar forests at risk from climate change in a Cyprus Natura 2000 site. The team undertook silvicultural treatments for the first time and reduced competition between mature and young cedar trees. They restored 12 hectares of degraded habitat, planted 8 hectares of new cedar habitat, and installed a seedbank for reforestation. They closed more than 30 km of forest roads to improve habitat connectivity and stability. Fire patrols became more frequent, and controlled grazing was encouraged to reduce flammable vegetation on the ground.
Forest School awarded at the 2022 Cyprus Environmental Awards
The Forest School, a project launched in 2021 by Frederick University, was awarded at the 2022 Cyprus Environmental Awards organised by the Cyprus Green Party. The awards honour groups and individuals who act for the environment, sustainability, and a better future for all. The Forest School is located in the Kornos forest and adopts forest pedagogy. Children aged 3-5 learn through free play in the nature and their creative development is guided by the educators, who are primary school teachers, students and graduates of the University.
Frederick University Joins the Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges
Frederick University is proud to announce its participation in the Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges, a global initiative aimed at mobilizing the higher education sector to take decisive action against climate change and achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
The University has pledged to mitigate its environmental impact by 55% by 2030, in line with the European Commission's Fit for 55 package, and aims to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. Furthermore, by 2040 the University will use 100% of its energy from renewable sources. This commitment aligns with the urgent goals outlined in the Paris Agreement.
The commitment to the Race to Zero campaign not only reflects Frederick University’s dedication to environmental responsibility but also emphasizes its role in fostering a sustainable future for the community and beyond. Through innovative practices, educational initiatives, and collaboration with other institutions, Frederick University seeks to inspire students, faculty, and staff to engage in sustainable practices and contribute to a greener planet.
The Race to Zero criteria are established by an Expert Peer Review Group comprised of scientific and technical experts from around the world. This campaign is endorsed by the EAUC (Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges), a leading body for sustainability in the post-16 education sector in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. With over 300 universities, colleges, and learning and skills organizations as members, the EAUC is at the forefront of integrating sustainability into the core values and strategies of educational institutions. The organization provides support and resources to help these institutions implement strategies for reducing their carbon footprint, ensuring that the higher education sector plays a pivotal role in combating climate change and driving societal transformation toward a sustainable future.
Frederick University’s commitment to 100% renewable energy is promoted through public events, participation in open festivals like the annual Eco Festival, and dedicated events on campus for Earth Day, where attendees are invited to sign a petition supporting 100% renewable energy.
Included in the SDSN guide on education for the SDGs
We are delighted that, in September of 2021, we were amongst the very few Universities from around the world which were included in United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network’s new guide “Accelerating Education for the SDGs in Universities” with our RefTeCp Project. The guide - through innovative, inspiring and diverse case studies - is showcasing how higher education institutions around the world are implementing and mainstreaming education for the SDGs in order to help universities, colleges, and tertiary and higher education institutions implement and mainstream “Education for the SDGs” within their institutions.
Presenting our actions to UN Committee on ESD
Ms Natassa Frederickou, President of the Council of Frederick University, was invited by the United Nations Committee on Education for Sustainable Development to talk about the practices adopted by Frederick University to promote and achieve gender equality (SDG5). Ms Frederickou presented our University’s actions to integrate gender equality into our learning and teaching, research, operations and public engagement activities.