Accreditation</br>& Recognition

& Recognition

National and international academic and professional recognition

The accreditation that has been granted to all our programs of study ensures they meet the highest standards and they are continuously improved and upgraded.

Frederick University was established in 2007, being the first private university to be granted a license of operation in Cyprus after a relevant Law allowing for the establishment of private universities was passed in 2006.

Its programs of study have all been evaluated and accredited by the Council of the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education and are recognized by KYSATS, the competent authority of the Republic of Cyprus for the recognition of higher education qualifications.

The University also enjoys recognition internationally. As an example, it is noted that it is the only private University in Cyprus that has been officially recognized by the Ministry of Education in China.
It is worth noting, Frederick University has been recognized by the Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center (Hellenic NARIC - ΔΟΑΤΑΠ) as equivalent to the Greek higher education in the university sector.

Importantly, Frederick University enjoys excellent relations with national and international professional bodies, with its degrees bearing the relevant recognition that allows their holders to pursue a successful professional career. Some examples of professional bodies:

  • The Technical Chamber of Cyprus (ETEK), which has recognized all programs relevant to its operations, thus allowing Frederick University graduates to register as its members and practice their profession
  • The European Council of Architects, which has recognized the Diploma in Architectural Engineering (Integrated Master)
  • The Nursing and Midwifery Council of Cyprus, that enables graduates of the BSc in Nursing to register as its members
  • The Cyprus Association of Social Workers, that enables graduates of the BA in Social Work to register as its members and practice their profession
  • The Education Service Committee of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth that allows Frederick University graduates to register to the employment lists for teachers in public schools
  • The Association of International Accountants (AIA) and the Association of Charted Certified Accountants (ACCA) that allow graduates from the School of Business and Law to be exempted from a large number of their professional examinations.
  • The BSc in Pharmacy is included in the directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications thus graduates can practice the profession in all EU countries.


ECTS label
Frederick University has been awarded the ECTS Label, the highest recognition by the European Commission for the excellent application of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). ECTS is a tool of the European Higher Education Area for making studies and courses more transparent. It helps students to move between countries and to have their academic qualifications and study periods abroad recognised. ECTS allows credits taken at one higher education institution to be counted towards a qualification studied for at another. ECTS credits represent learning based on defined learning outcomes and their associated workload.

Diploma Supplement Label
Frederick University holds the European Commission Diploma Supplement Label, in recognition of its excellent work in implementing the Diploma Supplement. The Diploma Supplement (DS) accompanies a higher education diploma, providing a standardised description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies completed by its holder. The supplement is designed as an aid to help academic and professional recognition.

Frederick University Engineering Programs Listed in the European Engineering Education Database
Our undergraduate engineering programs are proudly listed in the European Engineering Education Database, a comprehensive resource maintained by ENGINEERS EUROPE, which includes a wide range of institutions offering accredited engineering education across Europe. This database serves as a key reference point for high-quality engineering programs that meet the rigorous standards of the European engineering profession. By being listed in this database, our programs are recognized as fulfilling the mandatory education requirements for the prestigious EUR ING Certificate. This certification, awarded by ENGINEERS EUROPE, is a mark of professional excellence in engineering, validating the academic quality and rigor of our programs on an international level.
The EUR ING title is highly regarded across Europe and beyond, offering graduates enhanced mobility, recognition, and professional opportunities within the global engineering community. It ensures that our students are well-prepared to meet industry demands and pursue successful careers as professional engineers in diverse fields and regions.
Inclusion in the database also reflects our commitment to maintaining high educational standards, providing students with a curriculum that aligns with current industry needs, and equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the fast-evolving world of engineering.