Research Units
Explore our research areas through our Research Units
We mainly carry out research in fields related to our Schools and faculty. We also encourage and support the establishment of multidisciplinary research teams, research laboratories and research units with their independent administrative structure so as to promote more focused research work.
Our research projects are driven from either:
- the need for further development of the scientific and technological knowhow of our faculty, for staying relevant and up-to-date in their respective fields of expertise, or
- the need to provide a solution (new/improved product/service/process) to an existing or perceived problem, or a business/society requirement.
In the former case the projects are characterized as Basic/Fundamental Research or Applied/Industrial Research, whereas in the second case the projects are usually of Experimental Development nature with or without elements of Applied Research.
In this context, and based on the various disciplines of the individual faculty and of our research teams, numerous R&D projects have been implemented.
Browse through our research areas and units below.
- Advanced Infrastructure and Materials Group - AIM
- Architectural Technology Research Unit
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Research Unit for Historical Constructional Systems
- Seismic Retrofitting and Strengthening of Structures
- UPDU - Urban Planning and Development Unit

- Automotive Engineering, ICE and Vehicle Structures
- Cyprus Experimental Nuclear Physics (including the Unit 'Mechanics in Nuclear Medicine')
- Conventional and Alternative Energy Sources
- Engineering Management & Aquaculture Engineering
- Manufacturing Technology and Engineering Design Lab
- Sustainable Energy Research Group - SERG