Applicants with Disabilities
Frederick University is committed to providing equal access to students with disabilities and offers a range of support services and learning accommodations in order to enhance their educational experience.
Students applying to the University who have a documented disability, chronic health problems or learning difficulties that might impact their studies are advised to request an intake meeting with a staff member of the Counselling and Wellbeing Centre. You can request the intake meeting by completing the corresponding section in the application form (English or Greek) and the Consent & Referral Form. A member of the Counselling and Wellbeing Centre will contact you in order to arrange an intake meeting and discuss the support you need from the University.
Applicants with a documented disability or long term health condition can also apply to the University’s Financial Committee for financial assistance by completing the relevant form found here.
Government Support Schemes
- Department for Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities
Here you can find information regarding the Department for Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities activities, the Social Benefits Schemes, the relevant application forms, as well as about the legislation regarding the rights of persons with disabilities.
- Student Welfare Service (Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth)
The government offers the following grants to students studying in higher education institutions in Cyprus:
A 'student grant' can be awarded to short, first, and second-cycle students studying at the accredited programs of study in order to support their studies in Cyprus and/or abroad. To be eligible, students must have resided in Cyprus for at least five years before enrolment to a University/Higher Education Institution. The amount of the grant is based on the family income and ranges between EUR 750 to EUR 3,420.
The 'student allowance' is a targeted need-based grant to cover living costs, books, rental, and computer expenses of first-cycle students based on their socioeconomic status. The maximum amount given is EUR 3692 per year. The grant provider is the Student Welfare Service, established under the Ministry of Education, Sport, and Youth, which is responsible for both the 'student grant' and the 'student allowances'.