'My Urban Landscape, a close-up review' exhibition by Visual Communication students

Visual Communication first-year students present their work created in the frame of the 'Fundamentals of Drawing II' course, in an exhibition held on July 4, at The Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts (EKATE), in the old part of Nicosia.
The exhibition is titled 'My urban landscape: a close-up review' and it is organized by the Department of Arts and Communication.
The works will be presented for one day only on July 4, between 5pm and 10pm at the space of EKATE, Cyprus (Peonos 11 street, Nicosia).
Τhe exhibition has been inspired by the concept of the city. Students were invited to rediscover the place they live in through wandering, observation and visual research. Attention has been given to detail, hidden sites and intimate moments of the city’s life - visible and not so visible components of the manmade environment. Students explored the city's architecture, public spaces, streets, street signs, abandoned or vanished spaces, and ruins. They observed its inhabitants (humans, animals, birds, insects), their activities, and the remains/traces of their activities. They discussed issues related to consumerism, safety, isolation and to concepts of the local and the stranger/visitor. They examined how all these elements coexist, live and act independently, parallelly or across each other, and how this coexistence and interaction shapes the urban landscape.