Founder's Day at Frederick University in the presence of the Minister of Education, Sports and Youth
November 14th, 2023

Minister of Education, Sports, and Youth, Dr. Athina Michaelidou, was present at the Ceremony, along with the university community, including students, members of the academic and administrative staff, friends and collaborators.
In addressing the ceremony, the Minister referred to Michael Frederickou as "a significant figure who worked tirelessly towards the development of Higher Education in Cyprus" and as someone who "envisioned and personally aimed at providing quality education to the new generation". Dr. Michaelidou emphasized that the University continues to offer high-quality, student-centered education as envisioned by its founder, while promoting the creation of new knowledge as well. She noted: "Undoubtedly, as a recognized dynamic academic institution both locally and internationally, Frederick University is a valuable contributor to the aim of developing a competitive and attractive destination for Education and Research", highlighting the contribution of Michael Frederick towards this direction.
"Founder's Day" is an annual event that honors the work, principles, values, and beliefs of Michael Frederickou who generously provided opportunities for thousands of young people to fulfill their dreams. On this day every year, a tree is symbolically planted at Frederick University, dedicated to each academic year. "The tree of each year grows and develops along with our university community. The roots of the tree, nourished, strong, and stable, represent the principles and values Michael Frederickou left us, and which keep us united. The branches represent the growth of each member of our community," stated Ms. Natassa Frederickou, President of the Council of Frederick University, in her address. Ms. Frederick emphasized that "a culture flourishes when people plant trees under which they themselves will never sit," a philosophy that Michael Frederick embraced throughout his life, dedicating his life journey to the youth's education. "Just as one plants trees to offer their shade to others in the future, education was for him the means that provides prospect."
Ms. Frederickou also mentioned the initiatives of the University in memory of its founder, such as the Michael Frederickou scholarships, as well as the establishment of the annual Michael Frederickou Awards. The awards aim to highlight individuals and actions that promote the fundamental values of the founder and the University, as expressed in the pillars of its mission: teaching, research, and contribution to the society.