2nd Engineer
& Chief Engineer Program
Two innovative professional training programs
Both programs are approved and accredited by the Shipping Deputy Ministry of Cyprus
International, national laws and regulations require that all those serving as sea-going Engineer Officers on ships to be licenced.
There are 3 progressive levels of licencing:
- Engineer Officer of the Watch (EOOW)
- 2nd Engineer
- Chief Engineer
The Cyprus Marine Technology Academy (CyMarTA) offers three innovative Professional Training Programs:
- EOOW which prepares prospective Marine Engineer Officers to successfully pass the EOOW licence examination.
- 2nd Engineer or Chief Engineer which prepares officers to progress from either EOOW licence to 2nd Engineer Licence or progress from 2nd Engineer licence to Chief Engineer licence.
Program overview
The overall program comprises academic lectures coupled with laboratory work at the University, as well as ongoing sea service on-board ships. The emphasis of the course is geared towards the managerial level, with a refresher at the operational level.
Both the courses under-pinning knowledge and the associated practical training are based on the requirements of the Model Courses of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
The program meets the requirements of the IMO International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW).
The program is approved and accredited by the Shipping Deputy Ministry (SDM) of Cyprus.
It is administrated and supported by Frederick University's Department of Maritime Transport and Commerce (Limassol) and the Department of Mechanical Engineering (Nicosia).
Key Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the program and sea-going training, the trainee is:- Equipped with theoretical and practical knowledge on managerial principles of Marine (motor and/ or steam) Engineering Knowledge and General Engineering Knowledge.
- Prepared for the final oral examination which will lead to the required senior license.
Program Structure
The academic programme comprises the following training blocks:
For candidates studying towards the 2nd Engineer licence:
12 weeks at the University facilities – lectures, laboratories - on the following core areas at managerial level:
- Marine Engineering (motor and/or steam) Knowledge
- General Engineering Knowledge
At the end of the University academic period, the student will be taking written examinations, which count towards the 2nd Engineer CoC requirements.
In addition to the requirement to pass written examinations, the student is also required to take an oral examination, normally administrated by SDM examiners.
For the above mentioned oral exam, students will be able to undertake preparatory work towards the end of the course, at the University.
For candidates studying towards the Chief Engineer licence:
12 weeks at the University facilities – lectures, laboratories - on the following core areas at advanced managerial level:
- Marine Engineering (motor and/or steam) Knowledge
- General Engineering Knowledge
At the end of the University academic period the student will be taking written examinations, which count towards the Chief Engineer CoC requirements.
In addition to the requirement to pass written examinations the student is also required to take an oral examination, normally administrated by SDM examiners.
For the above oral exam, students will be able to undertake preparatory work towards the end of the course, at the University.
Each trainee is required to attend the STCW training short courses and produce valid certificates for:
- personal survival;
- fire prevention and fire-fighting;
- elementary first aid;
- personal safety and social responsibilities;
- advanced fire-fighting;
- medical first aid