Our University hosted a Conference and meeting of the DIGI-net COST Action
September 12th, 2023

The University’s Gender Equality and Inclusion Research Unit coordinated both events which were attended by more than 55 academics and young researchers from Cyprus and abroad, specializing in the fields of Sociology, Computer Science, Psychology, Economics, Media, and other interdisciplinary fields.
The COST Action 21107-Work Inequalities in Later Life Redefined by Digitalization (DIGI-net) is a unique multidisciplinary European network that brings together experts with the aim to overcome critical gaps in conceptual innovation on the influence of digitalization on work inequalities in later life. The COST Action’s objective is to address the research-policy disconnect and tackle work inequalities in later life redefined by digitalization in Europe.
Dr. Petroula Mavrikiou, Associate Professor in Statistics at the Department of Business Administration and Director of the Gender Equality and Inclusion Research Unit, coordinated the events.
The meeting and Conference were supported by the Research and Innovation Foundation.