Symposium on "Migration and mental resilience" successfully completed

Apostolopoulos captivated the audience at Frederick University in Limassol with his poignant testimony as a rescuer in the Mediterranean Sea.
Professor Loucia Demetriou, Head of the Psychology and Social Sciences Department, initiated the event along with the Department's Faculty.
During the Symposium, Prof. Demetriou, Dr. Stavros Parlalis, Dr. Andreas Panayiotou, and Dr. Nansia Kyriakou shared insightful information on topics related to mental resilience, multiculturalism, and more.
Specifically, Dr. Andreas Panayiotou, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and Social Sciences, addressed issues related to the mental resilience of migrants in Cypriot society.
Dr. Stavros Parlalis, Associate Professor in the same Department, discussed the value of multiculturalism and the positive impact of migrants on contemporary societies.
Dr. Nansia Kyriakou, Lecturer in the Department of Education and coordinator of the postgraduate program "Intercultural Studies and Greek as a Second/Foreign Language" at Frederick University, highlighted the need to incorporate the needs of children with migration/refugee or other backgrounds into linguistic and intercultural teaching methods in schools.
Additionally, Ms. Christina Tsiamparta, Social Worker in the Municipality of Limassol, spoke about support programs for migrants in the Municipality of Limassol.
The event was addressed by Ms. Olga Komiti, representative of UNHCR Cyprus, Ms. Natassa Frederickou, President of the University Council, and Professor Rita Panaoura, Dean of the School of Education and Social Sciences.