EU Anti-Trafficking Day event at Frederick University
October 25th, 2022

The event took place on the occasion of EU Anti-Trafficking Day. The event featured speeches by Ms. Yianna Americanou, director of the film and a member of the academic staff at the Department of Arts and Communication of the University, Ms. Eleni Michael, Head of the Anti-Trafficking Office of the Cyprus Police, Ms. Androulla Christofidou-Henriques, Honorary President of the Cyprus STOP Trafficking! organization, and Ms. Natassa Frederickou, President of Frederick University's Council.
Produced in 2009, the short film "Lullaby" tells the story of a girl who was a victim of human trafficking. With this film, director Yianna Americanou encapsulates the reality of the sexual exploitation of women in Cyprus in just 15 minutes.
"At that time, human trafficking was more visible, but today things are much more complex and insidious. With the push of a button, you can access the entire 'menus' of women who sell their bodies and price lists through specialized and everyday websites, seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Dozens of young women appear every day on these sites. Are they victims of human trafficking? Some might say they are women who made that choice themselves. No one forced them. However, the issue of choice is quite obscure and complicated. I hope that through our discussion, we can understand a little more about how the mechanism of human trafficking operates and the conditions that help human trafficking grow and flourish," commented Ms. Natassa Frederickou, President of the University’s Council.
During her speech, Ms. Eleni Michael discussed the current situation of human trafficking in Cyprus and pointed out the dangers involved, as the exploitation of persons has largely moved to the internet and often involves young girls and boys.
Ms. Christofidou-Henriques, the founder of Cyprus STOP Trafficking!, provided a brief history of the organization and engaged the audience with descriptions of tragic cases of girl victims in Cyprus.
The event was open to the public and was attended by members of the general public, representatives of NGOs, media professionals, and members of the University's community – students and staff.
The event will be repeated at Frederick University's campus in Limassol.