Experiential workshops for professionals: Education for Change

Frederick University’s Department of Education and the Distance Learning postgraduate program MEd in Education for Sustainable Development and Social Change are hosting an online event on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, from 18:30 to 20:00.
Frederick University’s Department of Education and the Distance Learning postgraduate program MEd in Education for Sustainable Development and Social Change are hosting an online event on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, from 18:30 to 20:00.
The event is open to educators at all levels, as well as other professionals with an interest and involvement in environmental and sustainable development issues. This includes individuals working in Non-Governmental Organizations engaged in Sustainable Development, non-formal education sectors (e.g., Environmental Education Centers), local authorities, and public and private sector entities dealing with Sustainable Development matters.
Participation is free.
The workshops will be conducted by members of the academic staff from Frederick University’s Department of Education.
18:30 - 18:45: Brief discussion and presentation of MEd in Education for Sustainable Development and Social Change.
18:45 - 19:45: Workshops.
19:45 - 20:00: Discussion.
Workshop A: "How I’d like to have one and two and three…": This workshop explores ethical dilemmas arising from overpopulation issues and delves into whether population control programs and family planning ensure or limit human rights.
The workshop will be presented by Dr Chrysanthi Katzi and Dr Nikoletta Christodoulou.
Workshop B: "Green stories for a colorful world": An interactive session with elements of creative writing and theatre, focusing on topics related to environmental respect and inclusion.
The workshop will be presented by Dr Katerina Karatsou and Dr Andri Konstantinou.
Workshop C: "With yellow and blue...": This workshop emphasizes the role of the arts in promoting ecological and universal consciousness.
The workshop will be presented by Dr Maria Vasiliadou.
To register and choose a workshop, please follow this link: https://bit.ly/3Akj96Y