Red Card campaign to raise awareness on unhealthy relationships continues

Frederick University honors the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls (November 25) by organizing activities designed to raise awareness of the issue both within the University community and beyond.
For the Fall semester 2022-23, the University enters Phase B of its "Red Card" award winning campaign. The "Red Card" campaign aims to help students identify warning signs in unhealthy behaviors and prevent dating violence - a phenomenon defined by ssaultive and controlling behaviors that one person uses against another in order to gain or maintain power.
The campaign, which was first implemented in 2014-15 and is now being introduced to our new students, is designed so that students can experience the issue of unhealthy relationships at different emotional stages: I identify the problem, recognize its existence in my life, understand the need for change, and act. The University aims at involving its students experientially and on a personal level on the matter of healthy/unhealthy relationships and thus to open a dialogue on a difficult topic.
During Phase A of the campaign in Fall 2021, we selected students’ personal stories and experiences with Dating Violence, which they recorded on Red Cards that were later displayed around the campus.
This academic year our goal is to promote healthy relationships through a series of workshops that will be tailored especially to our students. To do that, we first need to understand our students’ perceptions around the issue of Dating Violence and therefore we encourage our students to take some time to complete a relative questionnaire. The questionnaire is anonymous and no information identifying the participants is collected.
Additionally, Frederick University participates in the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.
During these 16 days, our University collaborates with SPAVO, the Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family and records and publishes the number of calls made to the 1440 Helpline for domestic violence. Follow this action on our social media where we daily publish the numbers.
You can find out more about our actions to raise awareness on eliminating violence against women and girls by following EnAF (Equality “n” Awareness @ Frederick), a dedicated Center on Gender Issues, Diversity and Equality. EnAF was founded by Frederick University in 2014 in an effort to foster gender equality in and outside the organisation and to ensure equal opportunities for all.