Professor Panagiotis Touliatos carried out a lecture on the Prevention and Mitigation of Earthquake Hazards
May 15th, 2023

The lecture took place on 12th of May at Frederick University in Nicosia, and it was opened with a greeting from the Minister of Transport, Communications, and Works, Alexis Vafeadis. The event was also addressed by Alkis Dikaios, President of the Association of Architects of Cyprus, and Associate Professor Marios Pelekanos, Vice-President of the Department of Architecture Engineering.
In his lecture, Professor Touliatos focused on the natural phenomenon of earthquakes, emphasizing measures that can be taken to reduce seismic risk.The Department of Architecture Engineering at Frederick University's School of Engineering, in collaboration with the Association of Architects of Cyprus, organized
The lecture served as the inaugural event of a series of workshops titled "Architectural Anti-Seismic Design" which will commence on May 22 at Frederick University. The workshops are addressed to architects, architect engineers and civil engineers and will be conducted by members of the Faculty at the Department of Architecture Engineering.