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- Written by Meropi Moiseos
- Hits: 225
The EU-CONEXUS European University Alliance has introduced a new series of short online extracurricular courses, in a variety of sectors.
These micro-credentials will provide students with entrepreneurial, green and digital skills to support their integration into the professional world.
All course topics are chosen based on analysis of the most relevant reports on future trends and needs in the labour market.
From Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence to Sustainable (municipal) waste management in urban coastal cities and from Visual Culture to Underwater cultural heritage as a tourist resource, the thematic areas are diverse to ensure a comprehensive coverage of the skills and competences required today in various fields.
All micro-credentials for Bachelor degree students are free of charge.
In particular, some of the micro-credentials offered are:
- Sustainable (municipal) waste management in urban coastal city
- Neuroscience and artificial intelligence
- Information literacy
- Environmental Literature
- SDGs – The Blue Print for the Sustainable Development
- Underwater cultural heritage as a tourist resource
- Games and Gamification
- Green Competences 4 all
- Entrepreneurship in Blue Economy
- Spatial planning for resilient coastal areas
- Innovations for Sustainable Urban Development
- Visual Culture
- Theoretical skills for PV systems installers
- Towards a Green European Industrial Policy
- “Build with Nature” techniques for sandy coasts
- Rail at the European scale in regard with the society transitions
- Funding opportunities for young researchers
- Making Sustainable Fashion Trendy
and many more!
Frederick University students with an English proficiency level of B2 or above, are eligible to enroll.
For more information and to apply visit: https://www.eu-conexus.eu/en/micro-credentials/
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- Written by Victoria Avraamidou
- Hits: 114
The Studies and Student Welfare Service announces that the Graduation Ceremonies for the academic year 2024-2025 will take place between in June of 2025 as follows:
- Sunday, June 22, 2025 at the Limassol Municipal Open-Air Theatre.
- Tuesday, June 24, 2025 ‘Graduates Awards Ceremony’, at the Cyprus Theatre Οrganization (THOC) in Nicosia.
- Wednesday, June 25, 2025 at the School for the Blind Amphitheatre in Nicosia.
Further Instructions
Soon we will post the instructions for submitting your participation in the Ceremony as well as attendance guidelines for you and your guests. Further announcements will be made during the first week of March.
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- Written by Skevi Siafkou
- Hits: 362
The College of Europe was founded in 1949. Since 1992 it operates in two university campuses, in Bruges (Belgium) and in Natolin (Poland) and since 2024, also in Tirana Campus (Albania). It provides a wide spectrum of postgraduate programmes focusing on European Union (EU) affairs, providing postgraduate students with the necessary skills to live and work in the EU, as well as in a European and international environment.
Based on the provisions of the relevant Memorandum, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers for the Academic Year 2025-2026 to Cypriot citizens, two (2) scholarships: one (1) scholarship to study at the Bruges Campus or Natolin Campus for the amount of twenty-nine thousand euros (€29,000), and one (1) scholarship to study at the Tirana Campus for the amount of twenty-seven thousand euros (€27,000). The scholarships cover tuition fees and accommodation.
Applications must be submitted via the website of the College, until 15 January 2025.
The first selection of candidates is proceeded by the College of Europe. Subsequently, the candidates are interviewed by the National Examination Committee of the Republic of Cyprus, which has been established jointly with the College of Europe.
For further information or clarifications, interested applicants may contact the General Secretariat for European Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ms Maria Giannou), at the following email address: gsea@mfa.gov.cy.
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- Written by Skevi Siafkou
- Hits: 1071
Dear Students,
Welcome to the Spring Semester 2025!
Below are the steps you need to follow to ensure you complete all necessary procedures before the start of the new academic semester, in order for you to be considered a registered student before classes begin on Monday, February 10.
Each department’s registration schedule can be found at the end of this announcement.
Course registration for continuing students will take place from Tuesday, February 4, to Friday, February 7.
Below are the steps you need to follow in order to complete your semester registration:
STEP 1: Registration for the Spring 2025 Semester
We would like to remind you that in order to register for Spring 2025, you must settle any outstanding balance (if applicable) and prepay the first instalment of your Spring 2025 tuition fees as per your agreed payment plan.
All balance statements have been circulated by our Finance Department. If you have not received your statement or need any clarification, please contact our cashiers at:
• Phone: 22 394380 (Nicosia) or 25 730975 (Limassol)
• Email: cashier@frederick.ac.cy
Tuition Fees Payment
Payments can be made electronically in any of the following methods:
1. e-Banking:
Bank of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
o Account Number: 019911005509
o Account Name: Frederick University Cyprus
o IBAN: CY83002001990000001100550900
Hellenic Bank, Nicosia, Cyprus
o Account Number: 14701A5817501
o Account Name: Frederick University
o IBAN: CY180050014700014701A5817501
2. JCC Smart:
Use the following link: https://www.jccsmart.com/businesses/26685032
Important: Please provide the following details in the payment reference so we can track your payment without delay and activate your account immediately:
• Full Name of Student
• Student Registration or ID Number
Course registration will be possible the day after your fees are paid. If you are unable to pay via the above methods, you can visit the University Cashier during working hours (08:00-16:00) to pay in cash or by credit card.
STEP 2: Meet Your Academic Advisor and Register for Courses
Consultations with Academic Advisors for course selection will take place from Tuesday, February 4, to Friday, February 7, as indicated in the document below.
If you are unsure of who your Academic Advisor is, you can find out by accessing Extranet → Status.
Please refer to the course registration schedule for your department:
• Nicosia Campus / Limassol Campus
STEP 3: Confirm Your Registered Courses
To complete the course registration process, you must log in to the University’s Extranet to accept and electronically “sign” the Course Registration Form.
Finally, we would like to remind you that classes for Spring 2025 begin on Monday, February 10.
If you have any questions regarding the above procedures, please contact us at:
• Phone: 22-394394 (Nicosia)
• Phone: 25-730975 (Limassol)
On behalf of all of us at the Studies and Student Welfare Service, we wishing you a successful start and the best of luck in the upcoming semester!
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- Written by Meropi Moiseos
- Hits: 3873
You can find below the final exam and assessment timetable for the Fall 2024 semester that will take place between Wednesday, January 15 to Wednesday, January 29, 2025. You are reminded to study carefully the final exam and assessment rules and procedures that are posted towards the end of this announcement.
We wish you best of luck!
Final Exams Timetable
Final Assessment Timetable
Department of Arts and Communication
Department of Architect Engineer
BA Journalism
Examination Rules and Regulations
- Examination General Information